Editor’s Letter

Editor’s Letter2020-05-06T19:27:03-04:00


uite a thrill to take my place as Editor-in-Chief of


This magazine is designed to portray class as stylish excellence. Since now on our subscribers and I will be living through the wit of Red Hot Monde’s world. If only our own lives had been as exotic.

This magazine is COVID-19 stay-at-home project, the time dramatic enough to make you aware that the world is teetering between what has been and what is coming. This is a great time for a magazine like this, wouldn’t you say?

Red Hot Monde is going to be reporting on these big social and cultural changes as they surface, along with all the pure pleasures of life: arts, travel, philanthropy, events to help you grow culturally.

Little by little, we are going to get to know each other well. For now, let us just say I hope you like champagne because I am going to give you a tall glass of it every month.

Iryna Korolenko
Editor-in-Chief of RHMM.

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